Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Going on Vacation

Some of you know that my darling husband passed away last year, two days after Thanksgiving. The picture above shows us on Governors' Island last Memorial Day, when he looked the picture of health. Things can change rapidly. At the beginning of August, he was diagnosed with lung cancer. Though he underwent an intensive course of treatment, the disease took its own aggressive course.

During his illness, I managed to keep up this blog intermittently, and since his death it has helped to distract me from my grief.

For several years before he became sick, I was working on a book, one that Rick was eager for me to finish and to publish. In his honor and memory, I am now going to take a break from the blog and do just that. As much as I like relating my thoughts about my reading and about Goethe, I am going to concentrate solely on this book for at least the next six months, by which time it will be finished.

In the meantime, I can always be reached at goethe.girl@gmail.com.

Thanks for your interest in this blog. I will be back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm very sorry for your loss.