Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Goethe odds and ends

Thoas, Iphigenie, and Orestes
For a couple of nice posts on Goetheana, go to the German site übergoethe. One is a short video of a visit to "the Roman house" in Weimar, which looks like nothing so much as a deserted home. Very spectral.

Scrolling further down is a link to a playmobile animation of Iphigenie auf Tauris in 9.5 minutes. Very cute. It is part of a publishing project by Reclam called "Sommers Weltliteratur To Go." Michael Sommers is the impresario.

And in between is a review of Rüdiger Safranski's Goethe: Kunstwerk des Lebens. I have also reviewed this book, to appear in the next volume of Goethe Yearbook, along with a review of two very good volumes presenting Goethe as a correspondent: Albrecht Schöne's Der Briefschreiber Goethe and Lotte meine Lotte: Die Briefe von Goethe an Charlotte von Stein, 1776–1786.

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